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Do my unused hours roll over? How does this work?

To give you extra flexibility, any unused hours that you have already prepaid for will always roll over to your next billing period.

What tools can I use to document processes for my VA?

There are many useful tools for documenting processes that your VA can use in conjunction with you and your team from checklists to screen recordings or Google Docs, which can be used for real-time collaboration.

How do I define a role for my VA?

To help you leverage your time as effectively as possible, we recommend working together with your VA to build out a clearly defined, ongoing long-term role for your VA. Avoid delegating piecemeal tasks by working in a way that adds as much value to your day as possible. Recurring processes require minimum input from you!

Can my VA incur expenses?

We appreciate that it may be convenient for your Virtalent VA to be able to process occasional out of pocket expenses for you. Your Virtalent VA will submit details of any expenses to the Task Portal, and they will be added to your Virtalent invoice, on your next billing date.

What's your phone number?

You can call us on 0330 120 0477.

Do you have insurance in place?

Yes, we hold comprehensive Professional Indemnity, and Cyber and Data Security insurance with Hiscox.

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How do I use the Task Portal?

The Task Portal can be accessed at and is designed to be as intuitive as possible to use.

I have something that my Virtual Assistant can't me help with. What should I do?

If your Virtalent VA can't help, we're sure someone else can be added to your account. Just let us know!

Can I use more hours than my plan allows? How do extra hours work?

If your VA uses your remaining balance, the Task Portal will automatically "top up" your balance with extra time. This allows your VA to continue supporting you!

What tasks CAN Virtalent help me with?

We can with a wide range of tasks! Just remember that a VA is there to assist you, rather than act as an advisor or consultant.

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