Can I use more hours than my plan allows? How do extra hours work?

Our service is designed for growing businesses. We know that without a crystal ball to hand, it’s impossible to forecast exactly how much support you’ll need from your VA every single month.

That means that your VA will simply continue working for you throughout the month - following your instructions - and, if they exceed the prepaid hours you have on account with us (your remaining balance at any one time), the portal will automatically top up your balance with 'extra hours'.

You can see the number of 'extra hours' already added to your account during the current billing period within your Account History.

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You can find your current Billing Preferences in the Billing tab or within the sidebar in the Tasks tab.


This can be set to any number you prefer - we can set the portal to 'add 1 hour' when your balance hits zero, for example.

You will have set your preference here when creating an account with us, however can manage this at any time by visiting the Billing tab at or by contacting your Client Success Manager.

If you find you are consistently using above and beyond your hours every month, you may wish to consider moving up to the next plan - you'll find there's a saving to be made on your hourly rate by doing this too.

Likewise, if you are receiving frequent emails from us related to these top-ups, consider changing your setting around 'extra hours'. This will reduce the number of invoices and emails generated for you to then manage!

Just like with your monthly plan, any unused extra hours will also roll over to your next billing period.

We recommend discussing how you feel about 'extra hours' with your Virtual Assistant. Are you happy for them to log as much time as they feel is necessary or would you prefer to stick closer to a set monthly budget?

Last updated on 1st October 2021

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