I have something that my Virtual Assistant can't me help with. What should I do?

We ask all clients to keep the tasks they delegate to Virtalent within the realm of what should reasonably be expected of a professional Virtual Assistant. You can see the tasks we can help with here (and on our website - here).

We can help with a wide range of tasks, but there are a small subset of tasks we can't help you with (more info here).

The best question to ask your VA is "are they the most suitable person to handle this task?".

If you don't feel this is the case:

  • Could another Virtalent VA could be added to your account to do this work? This is our preferred approach as it is more convenient for both you and your VA to secure extra help this way. Just because your usual VA doesn't have a particular skill set, doesn't mean another Virtalent VA won't!

  • Alternatively, if you are 100% sure that Virtalent cannot provide this support (please always feel free to ask us on [email protected]), your VA can help you resource this externally by researching and hiring another supplier. These tasks could include preparing legal contracts, complex graphic design projects or providing tax guidance, for example.

Do speak with your Client Success Manager if you're unsure - we're always happy to help!

Last updated on 21st June 2021

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