Can my VA incur expenses?

Whilst most costs or bills incurred by your business will be managed by you directly, we appreciate that it can sometimes be more practical or convenient for your VA to have the option to incur small, occasional expenses too.

Examples of these types of expenses could include:

  • Postage costs
  • Software licenses (for specialist software you would like them to use for you)
  • Stationery
  • Printing costs

Your Virtalent VA will always first ask your permission and outline their estimate of any costs, as necessary.

If you are happy, your VA will then make the purchase using their own payment method (e.g. a credit card) and then upload the details of the expense incurred to our Task Portal - you will then see the expense inside the Billing section of your account. The value of the expense will then be added to your invoice from us, on your next billing date.

This means your VA can - for example - send a few letters by post, without you first needing to find a way to pay for a book of stamps for them. They simply make the purchase and we will reimburse them, as well as pass the expense on to you.

If frequent expenses are likely to be encountered, we recommend instead arranging a prepaid debit card that you can "top up" for your VA to use. Good examples of this are Pockit, Revolut, Google Pay and Soldo. You can then ensure any receipts/bills are billed directly to your business, rather than being added to your next invoice from Virtalent.

Please note, Virtalent makes no financial gain from offering this facility. However, as per HMRC's VAT legislation, we must add 20% VAT to any expenses added to your invoice, as these items form part of our service to you. They cannot be treated as disbursements.

Last updated on 18th March 2021

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