How does holiday cover work?

Is your VA going on holiday? As soon as your VA lets us know, we’ll make sure you are aware when they plan to be away (though they'll likely to have told you anyway).

**Our main priority as a team is to ensure your account is not disrupted. **

  1. We’ll look at who we have available to provide cover, with a similar background and skill set to your usual Virtual Assistant.

  2. We'll send you their profile, so you can understand more about them.

  3. If you’re happy with our choice, your usual VA will provide a full handover to the second VA. This usually includes a "handover document" (a set of notes), followed by a phone call together closer to the time. This handover is completed without logging any time to your account (i.e. we cover this time ourselves), and follows a tried and tested process.

  4. You'll be told when this has been done, and can then get started with your new VA as soon as your usual VA goes away. Don't worry, you'll have their phone number and email address well ahead of time.

  5. When they're back, your VA will hand back over to your usual VA.

Last updated on 21st June 2021

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