Can my VA make outbound calls?

Your Virtalent VA will always be happy making a reasonable but limited amount of calls from their mobile, as part of their day-to-day work in supporting you. However:

• We don’t expect your VA to call internationally

• We don’t expect them to make more than a few calls "here and there".

• Your Virtalent VA cannot act as your Virtual Receptionist, and cannot handle significant volumes of incoming calls for you.

Alternative Solutions

If you anticipate that you will need your Virtalent VA to make international calls for you, you’ll need to discuss this in detail together first.

We recommend looking closely at the costs involved, as international calls made from mobile phones can quickly become expensive. To avoid high call costs, whether that is large volumes of calls within the UK or otherwise placing calls abroad, we suggest using one of our recommended alternative solutions.

• VOIP. If you don't already use a VOIP system, we would recommend Nimvelo, which we use internally to manage all of our staff phone systems. You can get £20 free credit if you use this link to sign up: referral link. Your VA can then download a mobile app to make any phone calls required. The internal team at Virtalent can help your VA get this set up!

Skype To Go - your VA can use Skype to call numbers anywhere in the world - we’d suggest that you prepay for Skype credit so your VA has a set amount ready to use, which can be topped up when needed, by you.

• Google Hangouts (the Google Hangouts Dialler app is essentially a VOIP phone call). Calls to an Australian landline are as little as 1p, for example.

Zoom Phone is also a great option, with audio only available, if suitable.

Last updated on 22nd March 2021

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