I've just created an account. How should I get started?

Welcome to Virtalent! Exciting times ahead.

  • **Activate your account. **First, you'll need to activate your new account within our Task Portal at virtalentportal.com.

  • Explore the Task Portal. Once you have done this, you'll be able to see the tasks your VA is working on, the time they are logging, check your account balance and manage your billing preferences.

  • Plan ahead. Your new VA will be in touch once you have activated your account. Most clients like to start with an initial 'kick-off' call to plan out how your first few weeks together will look. If you prefer them to just make a start on your to-do list, that's also OK!

  • Grant access. Make sure your VA has access to all of the systems you need them to. Most clients also like to create an email account under their own company domain, so as to work together even more seamlessly!

  • Learn and understand. We'll begin emailing you a few help articles and guides to help you get started, over your first few months with us. These are optional, but you might find them useful!

You might also like to read through our articles below to further understand how to delegate and define a role for you fantastic new VA.

If you need any help or advise along the way, do contact your Client Success Manager who will be very happy to help you stay on track!

Last updated on 3rd April 2021

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